Hello to you all, who have just discovered my new blog! There are two explanations as to why you've made your way to this page: either you know me personally, or you are just as curious about the world as I am. If you are the latter, then you are one of those special individuals who look around in wonder at that which others take for granted every day. Whether you are mildly fascinated by the world of biology or you have centered your entire career on the subject, welcome to my blog! The main focus of this blog will be about the subjects I will be researching in graduate school, which is mostly centered around water quality and phytoplankton production. However, I will also be writing about anything interesting I do or come across that is related to biology or graduate school, e.g., sampling protocols, diving trips, grad school tips, etc.
Thank you for taking an interest in my academic and professional journey. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds!
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"Pensacola Bay Afternoon" Julianna O'Bar 11/15/2019 |
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