Whoops, I Forgot! Now What?
Imagine if you will: you and your team of researchers prepare for your sampling trip. You check your list once, you check it twice, and you're positive that you are ready to go! But once you get to your sampling location, you realize that you forgot ONE pair of tweezers! What are you to do? Do you pack up everything, drive back to base, retrieve the tweezers, and then return a while later? What a lot of time wasted for one tiny pair of tweezers. In some cases, your study might take you hours away from the base, making a return trip functionally impossible. Do you completely give up and lose the day? You could be spending thousands of dollars in grant money on your study, and wasting an entire sampling day could be costly. This scenario isn't hypothetical: during my last sampling trip, I remembered to pack everything...except for the tweezers. While it seems like a small inconvenience, it became a large nuisance when it came time to remove the saturated filters from their small...