Runoff and Eutrophication - The Consequences of Paving Paradise
This week I've been thinking about Joni Mitchell (singer-songwriter from 1964 to 2002). I'm sure that she wasn't thinking about algae when she wrote "Big Yellow Taxi," but when we paved paradise and put up a parking lot we drastically altered algal communities, which in turn affected many aquatic and marine ecosystems. Many people I've spoken to about this subject outside of the scientific community have asked me how parking lots on land damage aquatic habitats. While we haven't yet popularized aquatic cars requiring underwater parking lots, paved land indirectly affects aquatic environments by increasing nutrient input through runoff. Runoff is water that drains into a water system from a surface or area of land. It generally picks up nutrients and pollution on its way to the water. In a natural environment, much of the runoff is absorbed into the soil along with the excess nutrients and pollution. However, large areas of impervious surface area (like p...